A Curious Series of Events: Host Leahy and Council Member at-Large Steve Glover Review Go Back and Unwind the Shutdown of Nashville Restuarants


Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Metro Nashville’s City Council Member-At-Large Steve Glover to the studio to discuss the series of events that led to the shutting down and the reduction of restaurant capacities due to a fake “record” number of coronavirus provided by the Cooper administration.

Leahy: In the studio with us our good friend Steve Glover Metro Council member-At-Large. Now going back on this story as Steve. On July the 2nd, Mayor Cooper held a press conference, and he announced that because of record cases.

Glover: A big spike. They work the entire weekend prior to the entire weekend.

Leahy: Yeah, and they found that there was a record case though.

Glover: They were getting phone calls record country. It was terrible.

Leahy: Of coronavirus traced to bars. And because of that, he was shutting down all bars in the city.

Glover: And he looked very somber. It was so terrible.

Leahy: Shutting down and then also was reducing restaurant capacity.

Glover: This was to protect people. To save lives.

Leahy: Now later. Way later.

Glover: In about 37 to 39 minutes in that press conference.

Leahy: So the the the reporter from I think that WPLN asked Well you said record. Can you give us some more on that? And then this Alex Jahangir character who’s the chairman of the Metro task force advising and coronavirus and who’s an orthopedic surgeon. I guess not an epidemiologist. But he said vaguely, yeah we saw an uptick about 30 cases, but he didn’t say really where.

That was all he said. so subsequently that story came out. And then Dennis Ferrier, the greatest reporter of television local news in Nashville got the details on what was the basis for that claim of record cases. June 30 in an internal email from I think Leslie Waller asked by Ben Eagles to give him some numbers. And yeah, the numbers were 19 cases. 19 count em. One, nine cases.

Glover: Was that in the bars? 19?

Leahy: Three in the bars, 19 in the restaurants. These basic facts were reported by Dennis Farrier, right? And he basically said, you know, this is information that was not shared. So this came out and the mayor’s people went crazy because the facts were out there and then they got a henchman at CNN to misrepresent it.

And because of the misrepresentation of the facts by CNN, I think as a result of that the Fox corporate people, not the local people, but the corporate people took that posting down. Fox News kind of backed away from it and Steve Doocy did. Tucker Carlson Tucker never did.

Glover: Tucker never did. I was gonna say that’s another great reporter right there.

Leahy: Tucker Carlson is fabulous.

Glover: I don’t know exactly moderator or a talk show host. Whatever it is you got the facts.

Leahy: He got the facts.

Glover: Yeah, he was on it and he never apologized. What he said was we may have told something, you know, but we’re going to stay on top of it. And let me say this they have.

Leahy: And let me just say also we are delighted to have you here in the studio after your appearance on Tucker Carlson, which was you know is quite a platform to have.

Glover: It was phenomenal.

Leahy: You were the lead story interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Now after all that is when the fault story which we wrote and debunked entirely by the CNN guy who had his facts all wrong.

Glover: Correct.

Leahy: And you know he was reporting to data that we’ve been reported more than a month after the Draconian July 2 decision by Mayor Cooper based upon really no evidence of quote record cases in bars. There wasn’t a record case. There were only 19. It was ridiculous. Out of at that time, you know a total of more than 10,000.

Glover: I think did Dennis report this past week or was it this week? My times are at my times kind of melting. There’s only a 146 or part out here totality. 146. We have destroyed our economy in downtown Nashville over 146 cases.

Leahy: Out of 25,000 less than one half of one percent.

Glover: I don’t know. 25,000 but yeah, let’s just that’s what it is. Yeah, let’s assume it is.

Leahy: That’s what’s reported. So so this Dennis reports us actually late Tuesday night. It was a fabulous report. It’s a fact now the tyrannical mayor with his thugs in his office and I’m going to say the thugs are Chris Song who is his spokesperson and this Ben Eagles character who is going around trying to intimidate people. and just tell us a little bit about your interaction with this little this guy been Eagles who is arrogant beyond all arrogance.

Glover: Well the last time I had spoken or heard from him was back in October. So almost a year ago. Then on Friday night after the and there wasn’t I didn’t think a retraction.

Leahy: There wasn’t a retraction.

Glover: I thought there was a very soft apology in that.

Leahy: From Fox 17.

Glover: We may have said some things incorrectly which we found out.

Leahy: They didn’t say it. But just so you know, so the story went on the brakes on Wednesday and Thursday to stories right with the facts and they are on the air. Dennis Ferrier reports on Fox 17 locally and then they do internet stories on the internet based upon that those reports Wednesday and Thursday.

Then what happens is the CNN story breaks with all the falsehoods in and all the bad stuff. And the people start to go back on it. The pooh-bahs at Sinclair Broadcasting not here, but at their headquarters, you know flinch and they take down those two accurate reports.

And because they’ve taken down the CNN guy says, oh proves us wrong. not true at all. The data that’s been reported by Dennis Ferrier is simply a continuation of that story, and that’s where he’s up. So anyways go. So this Ben Eagles character.

Glover: Well, we don’t have a lot of time left-right here if so, I guess what we’ll do that in the seventh come out dude. Yeah, we’ll talk about the apply. I’m going to close with this in this particular segment. Any time a politician jumps out that hard and that fast demanding an apology, you better make sure you go back and re-look at your I’s and cross your T’s because I promise you if they’re screaming that loud there are flames. It isn’t just smoke. There are flames.

Leahy: There’s this little arrogance staffer are based upon the false reports of CNN, which we’ve totally debunked. Totally debunked. Then he reaches out to you after not talking to you for nine months or 10 months. Whatever the number is and asks you for an apology.

Glover: And I’m going to paraphrase. Yeah, you know, I hope one of the things that you’ll be doing in the very near future is something like that is an apology. And I went no. No. Never.

Leahy: Yeah, and by the way know when we come back, we will lay out the case in detail why the only people that need to be apologizing to Nashvillian’s today are Mayor John Cooper and Metro Council Member-At-Large Bob Mendes, and the little arrogant, you know what’s who are in the mayor’s office including Ben Eagles. Ben, we’re talking to you! Come in here and try to defend yourself because you are a coward and a bully and you won’t do it. We’ll be back after this.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Lower Broadway” by Michael Stokes. CC BY 2.0.









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